The Child Mind Institute - Care Newsletter

Posted on 01/24/2023

Care Newsletter

Kids learn to read at different paces, and it’s normal for them to struggle at some point. But if learning to read becomes an ongoing struggle that leaves a child falling behind their peers, it’s possible that they have a learning disorder known as dyslexia.

Learning to read requires several different parts of the brain to work together. For some kids, learning to read comes easily, no matter the method. But others need a specific kind of teaching called “systematic phonics-based instruction.”

Identifying kids with reading problems early is important so they can get the support they need to succeed in school. 

Matthew M. Cruger, PhD
Associate Clinical Director
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Child Mind Institute

For Caregivers

Intensive Academic Interventions

Individualized academic interventions are for students struggling to meet learning benchmarks due to learning disorders or pandemic disruption. Our educational specialists and speech-language pathologists build tailored interventions for each student to help with reading, writing, math challenges, communication skills, and more.

For Educators

The Need for Effective Reading Instruction

Reading is the most important skill children need to gain in the first few years of school. But how it’s taught can have a big impact on how well they succeed. Systematic phonics-based instruction helps kids learn to recognize printed letters and match them to specific sounds. Interested in learning more? Request a workshop with our expert clinical staff.

For Clinicians

Neuropsychological and Educational Evaluations

The Child Mind Institute provides evaluations for students ages 5 to 25. Spending roughly 10 hours with each child and their family, our neuropsychologists use up-to-date, standard measures to develop a detailed profile of learning strengths and weaknesses.

Visiting Professor Lecture Series

Sex Differences in Autism

Stephen Kanne, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Autism and the Developing Brain at Weill Cornell Medical School, will present historical literature and review past theories about underlying sex differences in autism. He will also present several new findings related to the core symptoms of autism, such as social communication and restricted and repetitive behaviors, as well as a deeper look at camouflaging. Join us Friday, Feb 3, 2023, @ 11:30 AM EST

Register HERE -

Clinician Spotlight

Meet Amanda Dougherty

Amanda Doughty, Ph.D., is a neuropsychologist at the Learning and Development Center. Dr. Doughty has experience providing neuropsychological evaluations to individuals across a broad age range, from infants to young adults. She has worked with individuals who have a wide variety of complex neurodevelopmental concerns, including genetic disorders, developmental delays, ADHD, and learning disorders.




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